Report It! - Kentucky Bigfoot Encounter

Oh Granny …

What BIG Feet You Have!

Report!t Submission by: Kristie - May 11, 2020

I have to share this because it has stuck with me my entire life but I never knew what to make of it. I'll be 52 this year and when I was 6 or 7 years old (this would have been 1974-1975) I hardly knew anything of Bigfoot.

I remember my father had taken me to the drive-in when the legend of boggy Creek came out, but I stayed ducked down behind the back seat during the whole movie so I don't even remember seeing the creature on screen so I would not have had an impression in my mind from the viewing. I can vividly remember, in Clark county Kentucky, where my mother brought me when she and my father divorced, we lived in a house that my grandfather had built at the mouth of Red River where it met the Kentucky River.


The house he built was on top of the hill that overlook the rivers. My grandfather drank a lot and had drinking buddies over almost all the time. So this was a normal occurrence for me. I remember being outside one evening when he and several others were drinking and talking around the campfire.

I was walking around the little driveway on the opposite end of the house from where they were sitting. It curved up and around away from the house and in the curve I would have been out of eye-shot. It was almost dark. The sun was down but it wasn't completely dark yet and there were no security-dusk to dawn lights that had been set yet at the time. I had dropped something, I can't remember what I was holding, but I couldn't see it on the ground and so I got down on my hands and knees and began crawling up the gravel drive. I was going slow because it was gravel and it was hurting my knees and hands. I probably crawled a few feet, about 3 or 4 paces of a crawl, and was looking down the whole time and there in front of me were two huge hairy feet. I can't remember the color. It could have been black or brown. But with the darkness around me I couldn't tell you which. I just stared at the feet for about 2 seconds. I didn't lift my head but lifted my eyes and saw from about shin down.

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I spent no time squirreling to my right and scrambling back to my feet running as fast as I could to where my grandfather was on the other end of the house. I don't remember anything after that, only that I was so very scared. I don't recall what happened after that point a running back to the house. Except that I remember my grandfather and Mom reassuring me that things were just in my imagination, or I was remembering bad dreams, and that no big animals lived around there and would hurt me. So it was never talked about again and I never saw or heard anything for several years.

Around the age of eight my grandfather built my mom, me and my sister a small house up further on the hill behind the one we were living in with him. I live there from the ages of 8-18.  Between the ages of eight and about 12 or 13 I spent 75% of my free time outdoors, in any season. I was always out walking in the woods making new trails for myself, pretending I was an explorer, or pretending that I was living in the wild on my own and wood make pretend shelters out of fallen logs and cedar tree in pine tree branches. I would be gone for hours and hours and hours at a time and no one ever really thought to come look for me. Often times I would just sit down and listen to the woods because it was one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes I would climb up in a tree and do that. I would usually pack myself a bologna sandwich in one of those tall glass bottles of Coca-Cola that used to make way back then and sit down and have my wilderness lunch. I guess everyone knew I would always be back by dark, and I always was. On a couple avocations I heard loud knocks on the trees but never knew there was such a thing as wood knocks associated with Bigfoot, although up by this point I knew what a Bigfoot was. I would hear one loud knock, and then maybe 20 or 30 seconds later I would hear another. This happened on two different occasions between those years. On one of those occasions I remember running to the house because the knocks would get closer. I never thought of it being a Bigfoot. I just thought it was people and it scared me.

I knew there was a man that started building himself a cabin down in the valley from where I lived and I thought they were just hammering. My grandfather was a carpenter it was always building things so naturally I thought I was probably hearing him. I also remember and thinking though, what kind of person would take one swing of a hammer and wait 30 seconds to swing it again and then not swing anymore. It wasn't somebody building. Like I said I heard this on two separate occasions in two different places. They are highlighted in the green areas on the maps. I knew what our Kentucky wildcat sounds like as well as coyotes. I do remember though between the ages of 9 and 13, there was an occasion where I heard the sound of an animal that didn't sound like anything I had heard before and it was very very loud but seemed very very far away. That was a time I ran home. Again, I had never been taught about Bigfoot, what Bigfoot look like, what he sounded like or what Bigfoot creatures did as ritual. I had heard of Bigfoot at by this point and that he was tall and hairy but that was all I knew. I think these incidences are the things that have made me become more curious into delving further into this mystery. I've always felt like I would be made fun of for these things if I ever talked about them.

But my main question goes back to the five or six year old experience. I was told that I just dreamed it, and that there was (no such thing as Bigfoot during my later childhood). Is it possible for a five or six year old to dream something like that so vividly and remember it for the next 45 46 years? Like super vividly even to this day? I don't know...and nobody ever discussed it. Did I really experienced something or did I really just dream something?? I probably can recall only about 10 separate events from my earliest childhood memories, and this was one of them, and even today when I pictured in my mind my stomach gets sick.

Author’s Notes: Do you have a strange encounter you’d like to report? I keep everything 100% confidential between you and I unless of course you’d like me to share your encounter to help Hunt the Truth. Nonetheless, having the encounter documented is the most important. At least I will have the data of your encounter to document, GPS and research it.

~ Jay Bachochin